2024-01-14 20:25:54 -

2024-01-03 01:17:12 -
做工精致,颜色好看,外观时尚,孩子赞不绝口。重要的是孩子喜欢,背起来后还非常舒适,书包容量非常大 书包手感不错!用料扎实!质量很好!平常用基本没有问题!

2024-01-26 11:50:36 -

2024-01-01 19:15:46 -

2024-01-10 09:31:22 -

2024-01-11 09:33:55 -

2024-01-14 17:29:25 -

2024-01-11 09:04:00 -

2024-01-03 03:34:42 -

2024-01-01 16:47:41 -



以前讲过白人, 黑人房客, 今天再讲几个来自墨西哥和南美房客. 我们有个公寓一楼住着男女两户墨西哥人, 女的是单亲妈妈, 除了自己有两个孩子, 还有4个孩子是帮政府寄养的, 政府付的寄养费足够她不用再上班. 男的老婆是白人, 自己因为伤残也不上班. 两家在我们买那公寓之前就已经在那住了很长时间, 女的自称公寓经理, 因为以前的屋主有什么事都叫女的处理, 是那种比较喜欢管闲事的人, 男的常常不服, 慢慢的两家矛盾就大起来了. 我们买这个公寓以后, 两家经常到我们这来告状, 我们也不想介入, 尽量息事宁人, 告诉他们这不是我们的事,是警察的事, 听说后来还真叫过警察. 两人后来都向政府打起了黑报告, 女的告男的打黑工, 因为男的伤残吃救济, 不能再打工. 男的告女的虐待儿童, 看来罪名都挺重的, 有点不共戴天哪 . 其实两家谁也不想离开, 对我们来说,两家都是不错的房客, 谁离开都是我们的损失. 有意思的是, 他们孩子之间相处还不错, 听说上高中的两位孩子可能还是男女朋友. 不打不成交, 但愿他们父母那天醒悟, 也能成为朋友.


另外一位墨西哥房客住在我们2011年买的破产condo, 一家五口人, 大人不讲英文, 在废品回收公司上班, 两个大的小孩都高中毕业了, 但还是住在一起. 这家出奇的安静, 基本上没有因为房子修理的事找过我们, 因为是个破产屋, 想必会有这样那样的问题. 有次交房租的时候, 他们告诉我们半个月前下雨时房子漏水, 给我们照片看, 确实有几个地方哗哗流水, 并用桶接着. 问他们当时为什么不给我们打电话, 说太忙忘了. 我们急忙给管理公司打电话, 管理公司派人去检查, 确实有三处漏水, 他们也承诺会派人去修. 过了一个月,又下了一场雨, 他们交房租的时候, 告诉漏雨情况依旧, 原来管理公司还没去修. 没办法,我们自己找了一个人去立即修好. 只是觉得这一家人真能忍, ,漏雨这么大的事也不当时告诉我们. 认识的老墨大部分好像都过得很快活, 这家也不例外, 常常有爬梯和BBQ, 还有雷打不动的家庭时间(family time), 他们对生活要求也不高, 一家人在一起,其乐融融, 足矣!看到这一家,我也常常在想, 人生除了忙碌, 追求和不停的挣钱, 也应该停下来, 看一看,歇一歇, 体验一下人生的安详和美好.






I really like the Nike Air Monarch ... fit and feel is great.
- Singapore

Been getting these forever, love the fit, 13 4E. Perfect, comfortable.
- Switzerland

I always order these shoes for my hubby. He never wears any other shoes but Nike.
- Singapore

Nike runs about a 1/2 size small. I wear a 10.5 normally and wear an 11 in Nike. Good shoes.
- Switzerland

Comfortable, good sole and inner sole. Have worn this make for several years -- hope they keep making them.
- Liberia

Nike still makes a very high quality shoe. It offers excellent support and durability. This my second pair of this modal.
- Singapore

Sneakers fit as advertised; it was in excellent condition; fit was comfortable, sturdy, and it works for casual use which is what I wanted.
- Singapore

my husband bought these for himself and he loves them. he has bought these same shoes before in the past. he highly recommend these. good comfort and support.
- Liberia

Husband has a wide foot with a high instep. This is the only shoe that fits him comfortably. Have purchased this shoe multiple times. Good price and well made. Will definitely purchase again.
- Liberia

I've worn Nike Air Monarch IV for years because they are so comfortable. These are excellent cross training shoes and have been ideal for my needs. It's not always easy to find them in my size, but had them at a great price!
- Singapore

2023-12-04 03:57:10--
Very good product but this is not the color that i ordered.

2023-12-04 03:56:01--
very pleased. very good looking and quality looking . would recommend seller. they also are quick to respond to questions.

2023-12-04 03:52:31--
Sorry for the late review, very good store, I like things very much!

2023-12-04 03:51:19--
It never arrived

2023-12-04 03:50:31--
Looks great. I am a happy customer

2023-12-04 03:49:57--
The shoes are of good quality, comfortable to wear

2023-12-04 03:48:24--
Itamp;apos;s super nice! I like the color scheme and the pattern is very nice.

2023-12-04 03:48:18--
Material is very soft and comfortable, and very comfortable, buy worth, recommend friends to buy

2023-12-04 03:48:02--
Iamp;apos;ve received my shoes they are perfect will be buying another pair soon thanks

2023-12-04 03:42:22--
Got the silver and gold both fit perfectly. And I’m a young female. Shipping to Australia came way before it was estimated 10/10

2023-12-04 03:42:02--
Perfect! This was my 3rd buy. Will buy more

2023-12-04 03:39:59--
Such a cute bracelet ❤💗💗💗💗i love it

2023-12-04 03:39:28--
No words just the best seller there is 100 percent in every aspect quality items and excellent dispatch to delivery

2023-12-04 03:38:38--
Satisfied in itself, unfortunately received very bad tastes at the mix choice. Otherwise everything went well.

2023-12-04 03:38:35--
The quality of the workmanship is too good , haha, the service attitude is also super good, very thoughtful shopkeepers, often patronize in the future

2023-12-04 03:37:27--
After a week it already loses its golden color

2023-12-04 03:34:59--
Love! So sparkly!

2023-12-04 03:33:30--
My lady loves it! The look and feel are great. I trust this seller and will order again!

2023-12-04 03:32:29--
Perfect as in the photo I love

2023-12-04 03:32:18--
I love it shame that different do not select

2023-12-04 03:31:42--
The c ones look cheap. But will do

2023-12-04 03:29:00--
Very nice pieces in happy with it!

2023-12-04 03:25:41--
Very nice product

2023-12-04 03:22:52--
Very good! Highly recommend this seller Thank you :)

2023-12-04 03:21:33--
Cute cute. Sa me color as the real one. Came with pouch and box, perfect to make a gift. Shipping very fast 4 days only. Perfect transaction. I will order again !

2023-12-04 03:12:13--
Looks exactly like photo. No issue with delivery.

2023-12-04 03:07:21--
Very pleased with the product, the price, and how fast I received my order.

2023-12-04 03:05:28--
really fast great product for the price!!!

2023-12-04 03:00:54--
took only two weeks to arrive to the

Displaying 781 to 809 (of 809 reviews)

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